Association Freemasons - Shaping Society: Female Initiation

There also exist female Masonic fraternities, such as Jobs Daughters, the Rainbow Girls, the Order of the Eastern Star and the Order of Amaranth.
Jobs Daughters is a society for daughters or young females aged 10 to 20, that are related or in relation to a master mason, to be groomed into proper womanhood as they put it.  They take their name from the biblical book known as the Book of Job, chapter 42 verse 15, where it says;
“In all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren”.

The Rainbow Girls or International Order of the Rainbow Girls has an open initiation to every female aged 10 to 20, but unlike Jobs daughters these girls are not as high profile and this order teaches girls the “value of charity and service through their work” rather than being groomed for greatness.
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that accepts both men and women.  The order is for master masons that come into manhood from the order of Demolay and women that come from Jobs Daughters or impressive girls from the Rainbow Girls.
The Order of Amaranth is an all female organization and the mother organization to the Order of the Eastern Star.  In order to join this society of influential women members must be directly in relationship with a master mason which includes wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces, aunt or have been an active member of the Rainbow Girls or Jobs Daughters for more than three years and be recommended by a master mason.  The order is based on the queen Christina of Sweden who had created an order for the ladies and knights of her court.  In 1873 Rob Macoy organized the order as part of an adoptive rite of Freemasonry.  The Eastern Star had been originally the 1st degree, but in 1921 the Eastern Star became its own branch as membership grew and the Order of Amaranth wanted to be selective of their candidates.

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